Friday, May 22, 2009

Where is Sam? Green Eggs and Ham

Having too much eggs makes my arms feel numb...

Seems like I have been having too much of that, emotionally.
Feeling numb, or for the lack of a better word, not feeling much at all :(
Having cloudy weather in the mix doesn't help much either, although it is likely that it will be sunny for the whole weekend.

Feeling numb, that doesn't really sound right at all. Feeling; Numb. Kind of a catch-22 isn't it? or is it? Numbness in a world of chaos, like Zach Braff's character in Garden State.

Just like what my friend Vinnie would ask, "Where's my Sam?"
We all need a Sam. Our own, personal Sam.
Another broken human being just like us, quirky personality and a smile that will melt a thousand suns.
Some girls dream of their perfect wedding, some boys dream of their Sam...

Now where's my Sam? Have I met her already?
And where is that bag of Cheetos, along with the six-pack...


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  2. Natalie Portman will make anyone get out of depression.

    I will make her my girlfriend.

  3. haha yeah I am sure...

    This is what one of the dudes on imdb said
    "Believe me, any self respecting man/boy between the ages of 12-50 wont leave the theatre without feeling very attached to Samantha."

    I lol-ed when I read it... so true :)
