Sunday, May 31, 2009

The Tele People

Econ downturn means more random daily phone calls...

Usually it is random charity ask for donations or a simple phone scam, but according to Sears, their new way of combating the bad econ is to hire more people to talk on the phone. Last week alone we got called more than 3 times and asked if we want our furnace and air duct cleaned.

Bad Econ = Sparkling furnace and air ducts... who would have guessed...

Next, we put glitter on them so they are both sparkly and glittery, YAY!!! Time to decorate the inside of the inside of your house, a place where you will never look at. Maybe that will be the next big thing for those RONA and Home Depot commercials; Glitter up those tubes people, you can do it, we can help :)


  1. Just tell them to take you off their calling list. Problem solved.

  2. bad econ = my dad cleaning out the hair stuck in my drain by himself in the middle of the night when he has jet lag and can't sleep.
