Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mothers Day!!!

Figured I should make a post about Mothers day b4 the end of the day

Remember that series finale ep of FRIENDS where Chandler was having a real uncomfortable conversation with the Erica character? Especially in regards to the question/statement of "Hey do you think going into labour hurts more or getting kicked in the mid-section? I guess it's one of those life mysteries since one person can never experience both..."

Well... honestly I think giving birth hurts heck of alot more... unless you are the dude from that local myth (in New West) where he got kicked so hard during a soccer game that his bladder/kidneys exploded, hence he died... he might beg to differ...

On a happier note... Happy Mothers Day!!!... be good to your mama or karma will make you his/her _____ (friend?)

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