Sunday, May 17, 2009

TV slaughter house

Think Mr Bale can ever out-do Ledger if he was casted as the Joker instead?

With most of the finales out and network anncouncement regarding renewing/dropping shows for the next season... time for a TV rant.

So Dollhouse has officially been renewed for a second season
Never thought I would say this in the beginning of the series, but honestly I don't really care much about that show anymore, and the possibility of Amy Acker leaving makes me become even less interested. It started off on a rocky road but had a great mid-season, then it all went down the drain again. Whedon Whedon, whatever happened to your awesome writing skills? Perhaps I should just stick with his comic books.

On another note, even though it had been long predicted, Pushing Daisies is also canned. Now that makes me both happy and sad. Sad because the whole Bryan Fuller curse has happened again, happy because now he can help bring Heroes back from the town of Suckville; unless he choose to yet make another original series for next year, which I am all for :)

While on the network of ABC and about quirky shows... what's up with not renewing The Unusual? Other than Pushing Daisies, Castle and Lost, that's the only show on ABC that's still worth watching, especially since Grey's Anatomy had became all about emo kids and cottoncandy with fatty milkshakes after season 3. With Lost entering its last season in Fall, canceling shows with good writing ain't exactly a smart move for them...

CW have yet again picked up another season of Smallville. Arr... why? And the possibility of keeping Reapers on while having its head cutted off ain't exactly humane.

And worst of all, NBC has become the new FOX, canning shows left and right while still having their pants down and blindfold on. Kings not returning? What a bunch of crap. The lack of news regarding Chuck worries me too*.

Ironically, FOX seems to the only one who is not really dropping off any shows at all (even though most of their shows sucks... Fringe being the exception). Global warming is seriously messing with the whole world.

*edited: seems like Chuck just got the news of being renewed, horray! Thanks Vinnie for the update :)

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