Wednesday, May 20, 2009

(10) things I like about you

Always seems to have a thing in comparing actors...
Have been comparing Ledger and Levitt since 10 things I hate about you... Always see Ledger as the more commercial guy and Levitt as the more indie type of dude, with both being quite an accomplished young actor;
one playing more of the happy/positive type of role while the other always plays the tortured type...

It is kind of freaky to see both actors starting to look more and more alike... then Ledger died, and a few fans asking if Levitt can be the replacement, and now he's working with Nolan on another film.

It would be interesting if Levitt can indeed be the replacement, or even just the idea of him being in another Nolan's Bat film would be interesting... might help to wash out the bad taste of GI Joe... him being in that movie is the biggest wtf I have had in awhile... not to mention any movie with Dennis Quaid is a bad sign, except Frequency :)

Another random thought of the day... and can hardly wait till July 17th :)

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