Sunday, May 31, 2009

The Tele People

Econ downturn means more random daily phone calls...

Usually it is random charity ask for donations or a simple phone scam, but according to Sears, their new way of combating the bad econ is to hire more people to talk on the phone. Last week alone we got called more than 3 times and asked if we want our furnace and air duct cleaned.

Bad Econ = Sparkling furnace and air ducts... who would have guessed...

Next, we put glitter on them so they are both sparkly and glittery, YAY!!! Time to decorate the inside of the inside of your house, a place where you will never look at. Maybe that will be the next big thing for those RONA and Home Depot commercials; Glitter up those tubes people, you can do it, we can help :)

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Summer's Snow

Summer's wind brings along its snow...

Taraxacum... its seeds flying around everywhere
An odd sight nevertheless... along with the violent sneezes it may cause for many out there; in the time of Swine Flu... can only act as more of a catalyst, an instrument of fear.

When we own no land, we grew to adore the prettiness of nature's parachute; Yet taught to hate the inconvenience of it when we have a lawn.

Are we happier beings as the ones who owns nothing? Better beings even?

Friday, May 29, 2009

Return of the Slayer

Word has it that Hollywood is bringing Buffy back.

This time without Whedon... and more or less a reboot of the franchise.
Not original at all, but absolutely daring. How dare they :(

Fanboys/girls shall rip them into pieces, studio will lose alot of money, and generations will wonder why fix something that is not broken; especially when Whedon's season 8 comic series is still on going.

Although I won't mind if they end up doing a movie adaptation for Fray, tackling it with a whole Bladerunner philosophical and artisical kind of way. Now that would be something.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Rules of Engagement

Everybody knows that when you hear the siren on the highway, you either have to pull over or yield the right of way for the emergency vehicle.

So now what about among themselves? Is there a rule or some sort of hierarchical system where say the ambulance shall yield to whatever else? Now I do not doubt that there maybe indeed have rules about that, but who is to say in such situation, which side has a bigger emergency?

Now there's an incident that just happened in Oklahoma where such questions are being raised. So basically what happened was that both the police trooper and the ambulance were on the highway, and when the ambulance didn't give the troopers the right of way, they got stopped and questioned.

The trooper had its siren on, while I am not sure if the ambulance did, but the ambulance was in fact rushing somebody to the hospital, although the patient wasn't in a life-and-death situation. Before I get any deeper into the incident, let's take a step back and think.

So the trooper did had its siren on, which means the cops were responding to an emergency call. But they had the time to come back and stop the ambulance, what's up with that? I can understand that an emergency vehicle may stop for something else if that something else appears to be an even bigger emergency, but to stop an ambulance because they didn't give them the right of way? Now it would be hard to rule out personal vendetta.

After that, they realize that the ambulance did indeed had a patient in the back and they are on their way to a hospital. So at this point the cops do understand that the ambulance is going for a sort of emergency run, but they asked the paramedics to come out and process to "talk" with them. The patient in the back along with her family express their concern, and that they wish to be driven to the hospital first and asked if the police would agree to continue their "conversation" with the paramedics at the hospital.

Although not being fully explained, but from the video that was recorded by one of the people in the ambulance, we do understand that the police refused to let them go just yet, which led to the direct confrontation between one of the paramedics and the cops.

It is hard to decide who had wronged who, but I am sure we can say that the lady who was in the back of the ambulance, along with her family, perhaps are the biggest victims in this incident. Helping and serving the public, kinda ironic. I am still a bit surprised that there appears to be no "professional courtesy" between the cops and the paramedics, especially when cops rely on paramedics quite often. Let's hope things wouldn't go so horribly wrong for that cop in any of the near future.

Video here

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Man's Best Friend

Summer is here, and I have moved back home

Which means there is no more beer drinking time with my buddies... or happy hour. Parents don't like their kids drinking alcohol beverages, my folks at home are the same. I think one day I might enforce the same rule on my kids too, if I were ever to have any that is.

As the title suggest, I am talking about man's best friend. By now I am sure you have already figured out that what I am about to claim.

Beer - Man's Best Friend

Could be for woman too...
but I thought they have already picked Diamond =P

I am not encouraging drinking, I am simply stating the... well making a statement, that Beer is Man's Best Friend. I am not encouraging binge drinking either. I am simply talking about the idea of drinking A bottle of cold beer on a hot summer day, slowly sipping it while watching TV or whatever. Apparently researches have shown that binge drinking makes people feel more depress, while slow sips of beer actually makes one feels happier. Yeah that's right, now go tell your wife and kids that daddy is only drinking because he wants to feel happier, but he can only slowly sip through it instead of gulping it down, because his shrink said so.

With that being said, a beer gut must then be a sign of happiness; with gravity pulling the folds downward thus making a smiley face, who is to say it's not. So the next time you are at a beach and your fat gut is making you feel self-conscious, try to think of it as a layer of happiness. It makes ones glow, much like a pregnant lady :)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Sometimes I wish...

Karate Kid 0 - Shaolin Monk 1

Sometimes I wish I have the balls of steel...

In a world where people play dirty, sometimes being able to take a hit while maintaining a straight face seems like the best ability/skill one can have; especially if you work as a professional football player, American or European.

Pain isn't necessary a bad thing, but walking it off still ain't too humane. Having the guts to say what needs to be said and do what needs to be done does take a lot of courage.

Sometimes I wish I have the balls of steel... or more courage...

Monday, May 25, 2009

The Comeback gang

Yet another TV rant

The Fall season seems to bring a few of my fav. "casted away" TV people back on screen

Katie Cassidy (the one true and only Ruby from Supernatural!!!) is back... sadly on CW. Her presence on Supernatural had been greatly missed, and the brief appearance on Taken only to be killed doesn't do her justice. Too bad her new show is the new-gen version of Melrose Place, since most likely I am not going to watch it.

Mischa Barton's departure from The O.C. had haunted me for years, now she's finally coming back... but again on CW with a new show that is aiming for the 12~35 female demography... and again it seems like I am not going to be watching it.

Lost's pretty boy Ian Somerhalder is also back... on yet another CW (WTH CW... I hate you) show that is also intended to grab the attention of little girls... so no I guess I am not watching that either.

Last but not least... Mark Valley... the quickly killed off John Scott from Fringe and Eddie from the super awesome yet quickly cancelled Keen Eddie... is coming back with Human Target, loosely base on the DC comic... Human Target. With Tricia Helfer,
the super hot Number 6 from Battlestar Galatica, in the pilot... finally a new show that I can hardly wait for. Let hope the show won't suck or get cancelled, afterall it's going to be on FOX :(

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Number 1 on TPB

Could Lesbian Vampire Killers be worse than Death Bed?

Every now and then I would go onto TPB and check out what kind of films are on the "Top 100" list, as I find that it reflects the taste that the general internet population on the West side of the world has; sometimes there pops up several interesting indie gem that would surprise a few.

Last time I checked, the number 1 film on the Top 100 list is a movie call "Lesbian Vampire Killers". Arr... Wow... So I guess crap-fest is the new standard of good. Weirdly enough, I am almost tempted to check it out. But with the lesson that I have learned from last time, where my roommates have kidnapped and forced me to watch "Evil Bong" with them, if the title of the movie sounds bad, it usually is.

Unless Samuel L. Jackson is in it.

BTW, apparently there is a sequel coming out for Evil Bong, I guess Tommy Chong helped them roll up enough DVD sales from the first movie.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Krusty is scary!

Apparently Clown Phobia is quite common in North America

Spending the first half of my life in Asia, I have never heard of Clown Phobia until I moved over here. A friend of mine once told me that when he was a kid he used to have a pretty severe case of Clown Phobia. Once he got so scared during his friend's birthday party that he kicked the clown in the balls, threw the mini bike at him, punched out a cop and then ran 20 blocks home. Intense stuff.

Hallucinogen is a powerful drug, especially for a kid

Personally I don't think clowns are all that scary, unless I have just finished reading that Stephen King novel. Rumor has it that Mr King based the book on Richard Simmons, now that's scary.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Where is Sam? Green Eggs and Ham

Having too much eggs makes my arms feel numb...

Seems like I have been having too much of that, emotionally.
Feeling numb, or for the lack of a better word, not feeling much at all :(
Having cloudy weather in the mix doesn't help much either, although it is likely that it will be sunny for the whole weekend.

Feeling numb, that doesn't really sound right at all. Feeling; Numb. Kind of a catch-22 isn't it? or is it? Numbness in a world of chaos, like Zach Braff's character in Garden State.

Just like what my friend Vinnie would ask, "Where's my Sam?"
We all need a Sam. Our own, personal Sam.
Another broken human being just like us, quirky personality and a smile that will melt a thousand suns.
Some girls dream of their perfect wedding, some boys dream of their Sam...

Now where's my Sam? Have I met her already?
And where is that bag of Cheetos, along with the six-pack...

Thursday, May 21, 2009

I can has In-ta-real?

I miss pancaeks... and happee too

So according to the new UBC study... I am kinda screwed...
No wonder they never called me back; guess those with a Lee last name might not be affected as much as those with ones that most english speaking people cannot pronounce.

O well, apparently I have been screwed over for years but never knew about it, although how exactly this affects me on an overall basis is still up for debate. Does speaking cats means that I know 4 different languages? icanhascheezburger!!!

Ignorance is bliss, now where are my pancakes...nom nom nom...

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

(10) things I like about you

Always seems to have a thing in comparing actors...
Have been comparing Ledger and Levitt since 10 things I hate about you... Always see Ledger as the more commercial guy and Levitt as the more indie type of dude, with both being quite an accomplished young actor;
one playing more of the happy/positive type of role while the other always plays the tortured type...

It is kind of freaky to see both actors starting to look more and more alike... then Ledger died, and a few fans asking if Levitt can be the replacement, and now he's working with Nolan on another film.

It would be interesting if Levitt can indeed be the replacement, or even just the idea of him being in another Nolan's Bat film would be interesting... might help to wash out the bad taste of GI Joe... him being in that movie is the biggest wtf I have had in awhile... not to mention any movie with Dennis Quaid is a bad sign, except Frequency :)

Another random thought of the day... and can hardly wait till July 17th :)

Summer movies...

I guess I dodged a bullet when all my friends basically went and watch the Wolverine movie without me... although that situation sounded more like a possible scenario for one to type on FML. Although the later revelation (or realization) that I don't have a lot of friends did make it FML worthy.

Anyhow, Star Trek was great, Terminator Salvation is coming out this friday and I am excited. But afterward... there doesn't seem to be many films left to be excited about, at least not for watching on the big screen; well maybe Transformers 2... but since it's another Michael Bay film the only thing that I can take away from it would be the extremely prolonged action squences and Megan Fox running around on screen... and nothing more. 12 bucks per movie is quite a steep price for an unemployed dude.

Year One, Funny People, and (500) Days of Summer will all be on my "to watch" list... but more likely for a rental unless I were to watch them with friends. Anyone interested? *wink

On the topic of (500) Days of Summer, its very basic structure and concept sort of reminds me of Conversations with other Women... another great film that I have yet to finish (and study). I love the leads in both of those films... so hopefully (500) wouldn't disappoint.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Lazy-ot-sity kills the crap

Back in 2005 I had the fortune of sharing a dorm unit with a pretty interesting fellow, who ends up being one of my best friends. Our tastes in movies and TV shows are so much alike that we ended up spending most of our weeknights watching movies or TV together.

Since then we have also shared many many incidents in which we collaborate on various different things (from making art pieces to writing papers or scripts)... mainly due to the fact that we always leave our schoolworks till the very last minute (since we spend the rest of our time watching movies/shows) , and for a desperate man, any help would be welcomed.

Because we are such lazy bastards, we have "allowed" ourselves many opportunities to exercise our creativity in a very team-oriented kind of way; passing through each week like Bo and Luke on Dukes of Hazzard; muscle car and hot chicks replaced with beer guts and Asian-fro.

Eventually we realize that perhaps it is time for us to get serious and start off a project of our own. Lots of random ideas were flowing around at first, but eventually we come down to collaborating on writing various scripts that would be shot and presented as short comedy skits for youtube or the likes.

We had a few premises that we were working on, but overall they all revolve around the idea of "roommates", since FRIENDS was still fresh in our minds. But anyhow, one of the premises is about the weird and funny situations a group of nerdy and socially awkward guys would share with a hot girl who lives next to them. Another one would be about a group of WoW addicts trying to help each other function socially. The third one would just plainly be about a diverse group of random people living together as roommates... nothing too original... but based on how much random crap we ran into on a daily basis, there is quite a bit of potential...

We have went as far as writing down ideas and dialogues onto papers and notebooks, and came up with how to shoot a certain scene at a certain location with the limited resources that we have. But due to the extreme lay back and lazy nature that we share, nothing ever truly came out into the light of day... Months and years went by as if nothing have ever happened...

Then one day during our normal TV watching time...
we saw the premiere of The Big Bang Theory

Not long after, we heard about Felicia Day's The Guild

Several months later ABC picked up the pilot of Roommates

2/3 of them became quite successful

On a brighter side... we are glad that nothing of ours ever came out... cause if you haven't noticed yet, our writing sucks... or at least mine is :(

Monday, May 18, 2009

In an Ideal world :(

In an ideal world... or my ideal world...

Everybody has their own bunny, or kitty
There would be no global warming,
Bush(s) would have never been in the office,
No War, No pain, No suffering, No cancer, No AIDS,
No Bullies, although that would be a toughie
because US is one and I do like the US... sometimes...

Paris Hilton would not be famous, or if not she would have AIDS
Gas would not be so expensive,
Corporations would not be controlling the world

A person would not choose a psychopath over their loving family and tell their family to f*** off
A mother wouldn't be slowing dying because either cancer or a stroke or heartbreaks would get to her first... a son would not be secretly picking up family photos from the trash... a brother would not be having nothing but hate for a complete stranger...

In an ideal world, I wouldn't be writing this blog...

Sunday, May 17, 2009

TV slaughter house

Think Mr Bale can ever out-do Ledger if he was casted as the Joker instead?

With most of the finales out and network anncouncement regarding renewing/dropping shows for the next season... time for a TV rant.

So Dollhouse has officially been renewed for a second season
Never thought I would say this in the beginning of the series, but honestly I don't really care much about that show anymore, and the possibility of Amy Acker leaving makes me become even less interested. It started off on a rocky road but had a great mid-season, then it all went down the drain again. Whedon Whedon, whatever happened to your awesome writing skills? Perhaps I should just stick with his comic books.

On another note, even though it had been long predicted, Pushing Daisies is also canned. Now that makes me both happy and sad. Sad because the whole Bryan Fuller curse has happened again, happy because now he can help bring Heroes back from the town of Suckville; unless he choose to yet make another original series for next year, which I am all for :)

While on the network of ABC and about quirky shows... what's up with not renewing The Unusual? Other than Pushing Daisies, Castle and Lost, that's the only show on ABC that's still worth watching, especially since Grey's Anatomy had became all about emo kids and cottoncandy with fatty milkshakes after season 3. With Lost entering its last season in Fall, canceling shows with good writing ain't exactly a smart move for them...

CW have yet again picked up another season of Smallville. Arr... why? And the possibility of keeping Reapers on while having its head cutted off ain't exactly humane.

And worst of all, NBC has become the new FOX, canning shows left and right while still having their pants down and blindfold on. Kings not returning? What a bunch of crap. The lack of news regarding Chuck worries me too*.

Ironically, FOX seems to the only one who is not really dropping off any shows at all (even though most of their shows sucks... Fringe being the exception). Global warming is seriously messing with the whole world.

*edited: seems like Chuck just got the news of being renewed, horray! Thanks Vinnie for the update :)

Saturday, May 16, 2009

I has a Flavor!!

I guess we all do; it's just a matter of finding out...
Afterall... we are what we eat right?

Since I eat so much rice... would I taste like rice?

Flavor aside, what about the smell?

Apparently I used to give off a weird meat smell when I was still living in dorm. Cheap 5 dollars calories explosion heart clotting grease squirting Pizza dinner really does give you a smell, and flavor :( No wonder the wild animals on campus love me so much... constantly being surrounded by a few squirrels are fun at times... being chased after by a mob of raccoons during a light jog at night? Not so much :(

And what about the texture? Would Chewie really be chewy? And are all Wookies just as chewy as Chewie? If so then would
the Wookies go extinct if China have won the space war and got to their planet before everyone else? I mean, a Wookie's liver has gotta have more magic mojo than a bear one right?

Food for thought, thought of food... this is what goes on in an unemployed university student's mind during the summer on a slow sat night... dang u bad econ... dang u... :(

And no I love Chewie... (those who don't will miss all good things in life and die angry) especially his liver :)

Friday, May 15, 2009

Cliffhangers :(

"You want some hot wings to go with those fries?" -Mr. Cruise on Oprah

Starting to get sick of the whole cliffhanger format for season finales...
It used to be cool but now it has just been so over-used, much like paper, plastic bags, toilet paper in a dorm shared by 6 guys, or the word "no" in a Shia LaBeouf movie... as Al Gore would say, we need to preserve whatever natural resources we have left, cliffhangers included.

Doing so not only make the world a bit greener, it may also improve people's health.

As you may know Cardiovascular disease is one of the top killer for many many obese KFC loving TV watching North Americans, and the overuse of Cliffhangers ain't exactly contributing to the cause in a positive way. Just look at the number of people who loves watching a whole season of 24 in one sitting, and ends up having problems with both their bladder and heart.

TV doesn't kill, Cliffhanger does... so does the bad writing on Smallville... or the long wait for the next season of Supernatural >~<

"Cliffhangers are, by their very nature, infuriating to the point where you want to kick your TV"
-random dude on imdb

Thursday, May 14, 2009

The nerds shall inherit the earth...

The Nerds shall inherit the earth... along with all the problems that the Geeks have left behind

You may challenge that statement anytime you want, however it would be really ironic if we are stuck on debating on the very basic notion/definition of geek vs nerd instead of moving forward...

For the sake of argument, I would say that the difference between Geeks and Nerds is that in the end, Geeks are the ones that really know how to put their "specialty" to use in a more socially acceptable way, hence become more successful (in a sense), whereas Nerds are more or less the opposite, sometimes are even just the fanboys whose sole purpose is to worship the legacy left behind by the Geeks...

In a way you can say that Geeks are more "realistic" or "practical", than Nerds, although not always, but whatever...
Examples of that:
1.) Geek Squad Vs Nerd Herd (Real vs Fictional... duh...)
2.) Gene Roddenberry Vs Trekkies
3.) Younger George Lucas Vs SW fans
4.) Steve Jobs Vs Apple fanboys...

Then there comes the group that have went from Nerds to Geeks...
1.) Kevin Smith (Clerks; Chasing Amy; Dogma; etc)
2.) J.J. Abrams (Alias; Lost; Star Trek)
3.) Josh Schwartz (The O.C.; Gossip Girl; Chuck)
4.) Bryan Fuller (ST:DS9 and Voyager; Dead like me; Heroes)
5.) Joss Whedon (Toy Story; BtVS; Angel; Firefly; Astonishing X-Men)
6.) Ron Moore (ST:TNG+DS9+Voyager; Roswell; Battlestar Galactica)

But sometimes there are also those Geeks who have been downgraded back to the level of Nerds...
1.) George Lucas "Prime"... ("Prime" as a minor nod to all ya DC fans and Spocks fans out there... hehehe)
aka the current and old Lucas... he's so stuck in the past that he has become a nerd of his own geek creation... kinda sad :( Although it's his bday today... happy 65...
2.) Frank Miller, enough said :)

I myself, am a nerd... but hoping to one day ascend to the level of geek...
First I will have to grow a beard... and work my way up from Chuck Norris to Chewbacca and beyond, as demonstrated in here

PS: If you are still wondering about what
problems the Geeks have left behind, try and think about:
The on going war between Trekkies and SW fanboys... or the SW fanboys' newer enemy: LoTR fanboys
or Star Wars Ep 1 to 3... horrible films; although I did argue that Lucas is no long a Geek but a Nerd...
On a more serious note... think of all the awesome stuff science have brought forth along with the after effect... it's Science, it's all about coulda, not shoulda :P

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

If you are reading this...

So I went and voted today...

The dude that was standing behind me had an incident...
Just when he was pulling out his picture ID from his wallet, a condom fell out...
The little old lady that was behind him picked it up and yelled "Son, you dropped this!"
I guess she couldn't hear too well, hence she didn't know how loud she was...

Embarrassed, at first the man refused to admit that it was his, but eventually he smiled at the old lady, took it, and said "Thank you ma'am, I guess you can never be too careful when it comes to voting".

Yes the story is fictional, I made it up

But that's what this election felt like...
Either way you have to choose one to get in bed with, and you will never know what you will get when you come out... lesser evil? STD is STD... and no you don't want it

So I went and voted today...

Not saying you should just stay home, sit in front of the TV and watch reruns of Full House while eating Cheetos and making comments regarding John Stamos' hair... you should still go out there and vote... just... be careful... of... stuff...

If you are still reading this... get off your lazy bum and go vote... booth close at 8 so you have less than an hour... better start running man boobs...

Yes... you... oh how do I know you are a dude? Coz most of the ppl who don't vote a the dudes... I have learn about this fact from years of watching quality shows like The Simpsons and Married with Children...

In all seriousness... those shows a awesome... and go vote... now!

PS: If you have voted already... just ignore my post... although... not that anybody would be reading it ritenow... or ever :(

Monday, May 11, 2009

Michael Jackson where art thou?

I miss the good old days where you can add the word(s) Michael Jackson to the end of every sentence and it becomes the punch line...

Hot dogs on a bun... Michael Jackson...
Knock Knock, Michael Jackson...
blah blum ye blue... Michael Jackson...

I guess you can still kinda do that with your peers... but not so much with the kids... they wouldn't know what you are talking about... or it would scare them so much that they would pass out and their mommy would start crying and daddy would start drinking then proceed to burn the place down and the kid would wake up and think how come nobody loves me and proceed into a downward spiral from then on... unless u scream "Chuck Norris, SAVE US!?" and then he shall emerge and become the president of Texas; leading to a claim of independence from the rest of the US just like he promised... blah blah blew... Michael Jackson...

I guess nowadays one can always replace the word/phrase Michael Jackson with Paris Hilton or Britney Spears... although it just doesn't have the same effect no more...

Michael Jackson... where art thou?

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mothers Day!!!

Figured I should make a post about Mothers day b4 the end of the day

Remember that series finale ep of FRIENDS where Chandler was having a real uncomfortable conversation with the Erica character? Especially in regards to the question/statement of "Hey do you think going into labour hurts more or getting kicked in the mid-section? I guess it's one of those life mysteries since one person can never experience both..."

Well... honestly I think giving birth hurts heck of alot more... unless you are the dude from that local myth (in New West) where he got kicked so hard during a soccer game that his bladder/kidneys exploded, hence he died... he might beg to differ...

On a happier note... Happy Mothers Day!!!... be good to your mama or karma will make you his/her _____ (friend?)

Deteriorating driving skill(s)

I have officially forgotten how to do parallel and backup parking... but I guess as long as I don't have to park at a mall with small car parking space during the opening week of Twilight I should be ok...

For all those that have been driving for years and are still under the age of 30, you may understand what I am talking about... or not. It seems like everything I have learned from my driving courses are long gone, replaced by years of repressed anger and the infinite possibility of the human hand signal... well maybe not so much of the latter. Apparently I am a very angry driver, or so I have been told...

Even the kid in the FAIL blog pic does his shoulder check... I only do it out of habit but never truly look at where I am checking... did I fail?