Monday, June 22, 2009

Happy Daddy Day

Might seems to come a bit late... as I have only saved this in draft and have yet to click the publish button... LOL

The first SOCI instructor I have ever had did her research on Father's Day card messages, its changes and shifts in the past 20 or so years. Interesting nevertheless, as society becomes more accepting toward the father's role as stepping outside of the traditional "masculine" type of 'ideal male framework'.

Changes in North American divorce law in late 70s and 80s have made the idea of "single father" ever more "common". From M.A.S.K. to Finding Nemo, daddy's role become more 'popularized' in mainstream media, more interestingly in children's programming.

Here to give my heart out to all the daddys out there, and also those who don't have one. Happy Daddy's Day, as we need a commericalized holiday to reminds us that we need to appreciate those who we take for granted in the other 364 days of the year.

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