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When was the last time you felt the rapid calling of nature, dashed into a public washroom stall, only to stare into the ever darken abyss of someone else's leftover(s), a sight that can even break a man that has the nerves of steel, a man like Jack Bauer, with his perfect cellphone reception anywhere he goes...
Apparently the local theatre hires someone specifically to handle the job of flushing the toilets. This is what our society has come to. No body wants to touch that handle bar, everybody is a royality. The introduction of sensor triggered self flushing system has only become an enabler in this problematic issue.
So the next time when you wonder why the heck you need to pay so much for a movie ticket, go and blame yourself for not doing your part in flushing the toilet in the first place.
Flushing is like Voting, it's not only your right, IT'S YOUR DUTY!!! Courtesy flush is not exactly a courtesy... the word "courtesy" is only added in there by polite people who also happen to have a great sense of sacrasm.
Might seems to come a bit late... as I have only saved this in draft and have yet to click the publish button... LOL
The first SOCI instructor I have ever had did her research on Father's Day card messages, its changes and shifts in the past 20 or so years. Interesting nevertheless, as society becomes more accepting toward the father's role as stepping outside of the traditional "masculine" type of 'ideal male framework'.
Changes in North American divorce law in late 70s and 80s have made the idea of "single father" ever more "common". From M.A.S.K. to Finding Nemo, daddy's role become more 'popularized' in mainstream media, more interestingly in children's programming.
Here to give my heart out to all the daddys out there, and also those who don't have one. Happy Daddy's Day, as we need a commericalized holiday to reminds us that we need to appreciate those who we take for granted in the other 364 days of the year.

-random caption on a random LOST pic...As some of you may know... I was on a LOST marathon for two weeks during late May and early June, but I am officially all caught up, from S1E1 all the way to S5's finale. I have to say, it took the whole of Season 1 and then some for me to finally get hooked on LOST... thank goodness for a boring summer (or simply my great sense of laziness).
Overall I find that LOST is a great show, but not as great as some people claim it to be. For some reason the surprise and twist that LOST offer are mostly lost on me, or simply put they are not really all that surprising... at least not to me; kinda weird, as I have always considered Brian K. Vaughan and David Fury's works on TV/comics as great examples of how plot twists can make a story that much better.
Anyhow, it is all over... until its return in 2010 for its final season, let's hope the ending won't blows... or pull a Smallville and add another "final season".
So the third wave... M.A.S.K... (Mobile Armored Strike Kommand) one heck of an epic cartoon series back in the 80s, and also one of the most successful toy-selling cartoon franchise in the 80s besides Transformers.
1.) First question, as many have wondered, why the heck is command spelled with a K? It became one of the first English word that I have problem spelling. When you are still in pre-school and barely starting to learn English as a second language, a word being spelled in a different way in school than on TV can really mess with your mind. :(
2.) How come young Trakker never had to wear a darn helmet while always riding on that scooter/egg shape robot friend of his while racing at highspeed on the road? Or at least a mask? I thought the whole show is about mask.
3.) How come it never seems like they are allowed to take those masks and cars back home with them? I mean do baddies work with a set schedule?
4.) How come Mr. Mayhem never put in the effort to find a better belt that would fit his size? It almost seems like his pants falling off at the end of the episode had become a standard for... well... most of the episodes
5.) Is it just me (and I guess also the ppl from robot chicken) or does anybody else find that there is a huge homertoic undertones between Trakker and Mayhem, or even as a whole for the series?
That's it for now...
PS: you can watch the series on YouTube :)
So I was having a long chat with a friend who have returned from her recent trip, and as usual we ended up talking about relationships and what not...
I was sharing about all the awkward and sad situations that I have been in in regards to that topic, and there were alot of them; somehow I managed to turn all those sobs stories into golden jokes and what have you, enough to be the source materials for a freaking Apatow movie (well only not as good... or simply... just plain horrible).
Great comedy comes from great tragedy, at least that is what I believe in. Just look at Michael Jackson. However it becomes really sad when that becomes the sole source of funny materials a person has.
I think I am becoming that person... a clown's tears that only he himself would know @_@"

So I was driving along the other day...
With the great traffic laws in Canada, where on the road anything trumps over cars... from junkies to crows and plastic bags...
Two random dudes just hop right out into the middle of the road, and started running across. Everybody slammed on their breaks, along with the sound of rubber scratching against the surface of the road, much like the sound my friend made when he was watching Twilight by himself for the 9th time at 3 am in the morning.
Instead of being followed by violent blaring of car horns, it was dead silence.
All of us drivers were too busy watching the 2 dudes running across the road, while having the WTF look on our faces. It was a tall white dude dressed up in rapper wanna be clothing, followed by a white midget who also dressed in the same way, along with a big glittery gold chain that look bigger than his torso, and his baggie pants flapping like a wet monkey dragging a parachute.
You might think I am mean, but doesn't matter how Politically Correct you think you are, sometimes you really can't help but chuckle with the rest of the world when it comes to midgets... I meant little people.Another random... and kinda lame... and perhaps mean, post...
With the opening of Trans2 coming in about 2 weeks
part 2 will be dedicated to the old (G1) Transformer cartoon
1.) How come Prime and the rest of the Autobots could fly in the pilot, but starting from the second episode they seems to have forgotten how to?
2.) As brought up in Robot Chicken, what would happen if a human is still inside an Autobot when it transform? Home made tomato paste?
3.) There are known to be female transformers, although rare. Does that mean the robots could reproduce? If so, how?
4.) Since Unicron eats robots and planets and whatever... does it ever poop?
5.) How is it physically possible for Megatron to transform from his robot mode into that tiny @$$ gun?
That's it for now...
You know all those cartoons that you used to watch when you were a kid, have you ever wonder how certain things work in them? Well here's a start to a few of my questions...
Let's kick off with Pokemon...
1.) What do they eat, I mean both the people and the "mons"?
2.) Since those "mons" include both animals and plants, does that mean they eat each other?
3.) Did Ash ever washed that hat of his?
4.) How many Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny are there?
5.) Are the Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny clones?
That's it for now...

From Jigglypuff to Quagmire... it's all about confidence
Whether you want to be a singing sensation, or a sexu... an airline pilot
One cannot lack confidence... much like Simon Cowell
Although I am starting to think that he is slowly becoming the blend of the two... whatever that means...
Just another random post
So Conan is officially done with his first week of tonight show...
I have to say his presence had been greatly missed, and his return is quite epic too. For a talk show to be uploaded onto BT and stay on top 50 on TPB's list, that has gotta be something.
Max still being there came as a little bit of a surprise, as I thought he was not coming along to LA. Kicked off with Will Ferrell and ended with Patton Oswalt (my fav. comedian) for the first week had made it even more awesome; always have the best chemistry between them.
It would be flipping and mindblowingly awesome to see Craig Ferguson as a guest on Conan at some point, as I have learned from the past that Conan+Craig = LOLoverload. Too bad Mr. Ferguson is still working for CBS as a follow up to Letterman :(
I guess at least Ferguson is not fighting head to head with Conan anymore... so now I can watch one without missing the other :)
Return of Conan with a 1 hr earlier timeslot = can watch it religiously again :)

How much do you still remember? or know?So 20 years have passed...From pre-school to post-grad... I myself have changed much, especially my perspective; from black and white to grey, everything has become more complicated.
But the memory remains the same... Never forget

Remember all those fairy tales you listen to when you were a kid?
Or all those Disney movies...
All grand and nice did they sound, if they ever happen in real life it would surely scare the flying poo poo out of most people, and most likely lead to many tragic endings.
Beauty and the Beast is about an abusive relationship that started from kidnapping the girl's dad and escalated to marrying the kidnapper... Stockholm syndrome anybody?
Lion King is flipping Hamlet, just try to update that into modern world;
Pinocchio becoming self-aware, Terminator in wood can just be as scary;
Cinderella will most likely die in a car chase in Paris involving paparazzi;
Little Mermaid and her people would likely be captured, sold, and eaten... special menu at the local Chinese own Japanese restaurant tonight... forget all about salmon sashimi...
Fairy Tales are called Fairy Tales for a good reason...

Poor Koreans just can't seem to catch a break...
When you have someone who is as mature as a 2 year old sitting in front of a big red button, Hume's (sarcastic) idea of "true freedom" and "pressing THE button" should be the last thing this guy should read. How he sleeps at night is beyond anyone's guesses.
So Roney... although people do take him seriously